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Org. Ethiopia Kayon Mtn - Light/Med Roast

Org. Ethiopia Kayon Mtn - Light/Med Roast

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.00 USD
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Are you an Ethiopian fan? Us too!

This is a perfect for those wanting to switch up the classic routine and explore the fruity and nutty notes only a natural Ethiopian coffee can deliver. Or maybe your life is an adventure, you always drink exciting coffees, and are looking for another!

Overall you’ll have a smooth & sweet cup. There is a background tartness, similar to tangerine that turns into a cherry note as it cools. The fruit is balanced by a warm round nutty component. The aftertaste stays with you until the next sip, but in a sweet, fruity way.

Tasting notes of cherrytangerine, toasted almond, and milk chocolate

Brewing Guide: a 1:16 ratio of coffee to water will produce the best results. If you have a kitchen scale, this means 16g of coffee to 250g of water. If you don’t want to go that route, this roughly translates to 2 leveled tablespoons of ground coffee to 8oz of water. From here you can increase or decrease the amount of coffee slightly to fit your preferences. Enjoy!

At Wild Seal Coffee Roasting we roast in small batch sizes for each customer. This allows us to deliver the freshest, most vivid coffee experience - one difficult to get from your local grocery store.

Note: Coffee is a crop, and once a particular coffee is sold out it can sadly be gone until the following year. Check out the unique coffees we are roasting now and grab a bag before it's gone!

Single-origin Arabica coffee (10oz)


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